Low Horton

Battery Energy Storage System

Introducing Low Horton BESS

Bluefield Renewable Developments Ltd has submited a planning application to Northumberland County Council for a Battery Energy Storage System (“Low Horton BESS”). The planning application has been validated and has been given the following reference: 24/02605/RENE. The planning application for Low Horton BESS can be accessed here.

The proposed scheme is located on approximately 1.4 ha of agricultural land to the south of A1061 and west of A192, Cramlington. The proposed Low Horton BESS would have a maximum capacity of 50MW.

Low Horton BESS location - please click on image to zoom in

This project would be located adjacent to the electricity substation which forms part of the ‘Low Horton Solar Farm’. The solar farm, also developed by Bluefield Renewable Developments, received planning permission in November 2022 under application reference 22/01153/RENE. The planning application for the solar farm can be accessed here.

Low Horton BESS layout plan - please click on image to zoom in

The benefits

  • Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are a key component of integrated, low carbon energy systems, helping to maximise the use of renewable energy and contributing to the target of cutting carbon emissions by 78% by 2035.

  • By co-locating this project close to the already consented Low Horton solar farm it provides a number of benefits, including allowing the electricity network to “balance” generation against demand and supporting the UK’s urgent need for energy security. 

  • Careful consideration has been given to enable the development to integrate with the existing solar farm and grid infrastructure and to avoid material effects on landscape, heritage or ecological designations. 

  • It will have a positive net biodiversity impact with the retention of existing hedgerows and trees and new planting which will strengthen existing ecological networks.

  • This is classed as a ‘temporary development’. Decommissioning and full restoration of the site at the end of life of the development will be secured via planning condition.  There will be no change to land classification.

  • The proposed scheme does not rely on any direct government subsidies.

  • The proposed project complies with all existing health, safety and environmental legislation, including stringent fire safety management guidelines.

The Bluefield Group is a UK-based business which develops, builds and operates solar farms and battery storage projects on behalf of the funds it advises, including the stock market-listed Bluefield Solar Income Fund (BSIF).

Bluefield manages over 270 individual renewable energy assets with a capacity of over 1GW and an asset value of £1.8bn. Because we build and operate the projects we develop, we seek to establish long-term relationships with local communities and local authorities.

We aim to deliver high-quality projects that generate significant renewable energy, have low visual impact and enhance biodiversity and land management.

For more information on Bluefield Development please visit our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are essential to grid infrastructure, facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and managing imbalances caused by the intermittent nature of wind and solar power. BESS facilities store excess energy when there is a surplus from solar or wind sources and release energy when demand peaks and additional energy is needed. In addition to this, BESS also helps keep the grid stable by maintaining a constant and predictable supply of electricity to the grid. 

    Therefore, BESS facilities are crucial for maintaining a stable, resilient, and low-emission electricity network.

    BESS facilities typically use Lithium-Ion Batteries, which are the same type of batteries as are used safely in mobile phones, laptops and electric vehicles every day all over the world.

  • Battery Energy Storage Systems generate some low-level noise from the electrical infrastructure onsite, although usually only audible from within a short distance.

    A full noise assessment will be carried out as part of the planning application. If necessary, the assessment will recommend mitigation measures to reduce noise levels.

  • The BESS is a temporary development and will not change the land classification. When the BESS has been decommissioned, the consent will require the land to be restored to its previous purpose.

  • Once operational, the BESS facility will have a low- impact presence with only the occasional operations and maintenance visit.

  • Large-scale battery installation in the UK must comply with health and safety regulations, both for installation and operation.

     All BESS containers have built in monitoring and control systems which can shut systems down remotely in the event of a fault.  Fire suppression equipment is also fitted to each BESS container which is triggered automatically in the event of emergency.

    The battery enclosures are specifically engineered to guarantee secure operation throughout the project’s lifespan. Advanced safety measures, including continuous monitoring of individual battery cells, are in place to promptly address any potential concerns and manage operations for utmost safety.

    Battery energy storage systems are designed to adhere to stringent safety standards established by international regulatory bodies like the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These comprehensive standards encompass various facets of battery storage systems, including installation, operation, and maintenance, to ensure their compliance with the highest safety protocols.

    Following detailed engagement with the local fire service, the planning application includes a bespoke Fire Safety Management Plan, in line with current best practice, to address the ongoing management of fire risk on site.  It also includes the Emergency Response Plan and Fire Safety Management procedures.

Contact Us

Please provide your contact details, if you’d like to hear back from us. Any comments provided will help shape our proposal as we prepare the planning application to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

Names and contact details will not be included in the planning application or any other published material.
